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Why do I need a braces adjustment so often?

When you have braces, your wires will need to be replaced with new ones regularly. It is the slow, steady pressure placed on your teeth that move them into their desired positions, so these adjustments are a vital aspect of your treatment. We have set out a specific treatment plan to achieve your optimal results,… Continue reading Why do I need a braces adjustment so often?

Beware of those Christmas goodies!

At Theurer Orthodontics, we know maintaining a healthy diet over the holiday season can prove a difficult task. After all, who can resist the tasty treats of Christmas? With grandma and everybody else offering you candy, chocolate logs or Christmas pudding, you just can’t say “I’ll pass” each time. But trouble lurks: every time you chow… Continue reading Beware of those Christmas goodies!

Fun Facts with Dr. Theurer!

At Theurer Orthodontics, we know people love fun facts – LOVE THEM. The American Association of Orthodontists, or AAO, has come up with some fun facts about orthodontics that our team at Theurer Orthodontics thought you might enjoy. • There are nearly 4 million people in orthodontic treatment throughout the United States. Three out of four… Continue reading Fun Facts with Dr. Theurer!

When should you call Theurer Orthodontics?

We hope you’re off to a great summer! Our pals at the American Association of Orthodontists have put together a helpful list that outlines when you should call Dr. Michael Theurer for an appointment. Here are some early warning signs indicating it’s time to check in with Theurer Orthodontics: 1. Early or late loss of baby teeth 2.… Continue reading When should you call Theurer Orthodontics?