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Lancaster, CA (661) 949-2290
Tehachapi, CA (661) 822-6819

Do we have your current contact info?

As you probably know, you can always connect with Dr. Theurer and our team by calling our St. George, UT, Lancaster or Tehachapi, CA office, or going to our Facebook page. However, if you’ve recently moved or gotten a new phone number, we’ll need to update our records so we can easily connect with you!… Continue reading Do we have your current contact info?

April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month

Visiting your dentist during your orthodontic treatment will not only help keep your teeth and mouth healthy while you have braces, but will also help keep the rest of your body healthy. The fact is, every hour of every day in the U.S., someone dies of oral cancer, which is the sixth-most common diagnosed form of… Continue reading April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month

Which questions should I ask during my orthodontic consultation?

When you visit Theurer Orthodontics for your orthodontic consultation, you’ll probably have a lot of questions. We want you to be prepared for your appointment and feel in charge of your orthodontic treatment decisions, so keep these questions in mind to ask when you come in for your appointment: How long will I have to wear braces?… Continue reading Which questions should I ask during my orthodontic consultation?

How do I prevent tooth decay during my treatment?

Great question! If you are brushing and flossing daily during your orthodontic treatment with, we think that’s great! But, don’t forget that it’s also important for you to visit your general dentist every 3-to-6 months in addition to brushing your teeth and flossing (and visiting our office, of course). Regular dental checkups are important for… Continue reading How do I prevent tooth decay during my treatment?