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Preventing Decay While Wearing Braces

Having braces can present some new challenges when it comes to oral hygiene. Preventing tooth decay can be a big challenge simply because of the tendency for braces to trap food under the wires and between the teeth and the brackets. Here are a few tips to keep your teeth healthy while wearing your braces:… Continue reading Preventing Decay While Wearing Braces

Ask Dr. Theurer: What’s the deal with retainers?

If you’ve recently completed treatment at Theurer Orthodontics, we’d like to congratulate you! Now that your braces have been removed, Dr. Theurer will provide you with retainers. After braces are removed the teeth can shift out of position if they are not stabilized. Retainers provide that stabilization. They are designed to hold teeth in their… Continue reading Ask Dr. Theurer: What’s the deal with retainers?