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Lancaster, CA (661) 949-2290
Tehachapi, CA (661) 822-6819

Damon® Smile for Adults

Damon Smile celebrates smiles across all age groups! Our approach goes beyond creating a beautiful smile; it considers the complete patient, taking into account facial features, profiles, and the lasting appeal of your smile well into your 40s, 50s, and beyond.

Experience the Damon Smile Bracelift
For adults, Damon Smile braces offer more than just straight teeth; they can rejuvenate your appearance. Many individuals notice transformative changes not only in their teeth but also in their overall facial aesthetics, resulting in:

  • A fuller, broader smile
  • Enhanced facial balance and harmony
  • Smoother cheek contours that add fullness to even narrow smiles
  • Reduced shadowing around mouth corners
  • Straighter, less crowded, and better-aligned teeth
  • Improved facial profiles for a youthful look at any age